Sometimes you just have to start. It doesn’t matter where or how, all that matters is the when – that you start now.
Often times we encounter resistance. We get paralyzed by analysis, we fear the unknown, over think, over perfect, and create obstacles in our minds that don’t exist.
The simple act of doing allows us to traverse and push through the resistance that is often self inflicted. It builds momentum. It may be the wrong path, but that’s ok. New neurons are created. New pathways are forged. New loops are created that spiral into our own growth trajectory so that we may evolve. And through this act of doing we find more certainty. Once we start doing the work, the expectations of that external result fade and what we’re left with is the truth. Doing the work cures the anxiety. Mood follows action.
So get going. If you need a nudge, create a nudge. If you need discipline, build your guardrails and create your own constraints. Decrease the friction of getting things done. Hack your environment so that you’re a better version of yourself. Place your shoes by the bed so when you wake up you’re on autopilot to the gym. You get the idea.
And if you need some inspiration to just do…