We’re taught early on in life to always do the right thing. To treat others how we want to be treated. To be fair, kind and show respect. These are first principles that make up the fabric of our society. Cardinal rules and a value system of how we choose to live with one another as human beings. But as human beings, we’re inherently flawed. Some more deeply flawed than others. But this doesn’t mean we should give up, that it’s beyond repair. It just means we have to do more and persist to be better tomorrow than today. But we also have to desire it. We have to want societal transformation so that we may evolve and grow into being the best versions of ourselves.
In our quest for the ultimate truth, the volume has been pumped up and the silence has been broken. Despite the fear, chaos, and rage all around us, there is a path to salvation, albeit as sharp as a razor’s edge. Right or wrong, through peaceful solidarity or violent protests, the need to break some eggs to make an omelette is real. We’re in the middle of a revolution that can bring about meaningful change for the better if we make it count.
We can control how we react. We can breath in our intent and be deliberate with our emotions to make real progress rather than regress to a lesser state. Unless we embrace and leverage this catalyst for real change, we risk history repeating, rhyming, and reverberating to a scale perhaps incomprehensible. To get to the other side requires us to listen to one another, unite as one and take action toward a better tomorrow. One where we can feel safe and our children can feel safe knowing he or she will be treated how he or she wants to be treated. In a neighborhood anyone can call home. In a society that genuinely values equality.
There are no finish lines. This is the time to listen, learn, communicate and take action. In sight, front of mind. To come together so that we may make change happen. To not act means we’re complicity sitting on the sidelines. That’s too easy. We must all do our part to impart change through any medium we know how to, because we owe it to ourselves to do more. We can use our work as our own private megaphone to tell the world what we believe and value. Our voices matter – let them be heard as an expression of our identity. We may never fully understand the magnitude or the impact of everything that is happening, but we can absolutely show that we are listening and that we care.
What kind of world do we want to live in? Our children to live in? We ultimately want to live in a world free of racism and social injustice – one where we feel safe walking down the street knowing we have each other’s backs.
“Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” – Dalai Lama